The Right Dog for your Family!!

Ok, we’ve all seen those viral videos, movies, and TV shows with that one dog who did the amazing thing that we can’t stop thinking about!! YOU HAVE TO HAVE ONE RIGHT?!?! No!!!! What you didn’t see was the countless hours of training and work that went into not only learning that behaviiur you observed; …

Consistent Communication in Training

There are three things that need to be in line for a dog to learn new behaviors. Timing Consistancy Motivation Today I’d like to take a moment to talk about consistency. While the meme may be humorous it sends so much truth as well. Often we will send mixed messages to our dogs through our …

Furry Heroes Dog Training

As seen in the Diagram the scientific terms for Operant Conditioning are often mislabeled and misrepresented. Especially when it comes to words like “negative” and “punishment”. These terms are often referred to in the training world as aversive, but in reality are simply labels to assign to a desired result. Positive Reinforcement is adding a …

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